Pioneer Standards

We at Pioneer lead and encourage our clients to take responsibility for the environmental impact of the expeditions and we try to minimise the impact of our challenges on the environment within which we operate. We are therefore committed to continual improvement in our environmental performance, preventing pollution and minimising our effects through a complete programme of annual reviews of our expeditions and try to make our activities environmentally and socially positive.

Our local guides always include details of the impact of tourism in the area and the positive and negative aspects. Where possible they will encourage participants to follow local customs and adopt practices that work in harmony with the habitat and environment. They will brief on the rights of the porters and muleteers and lead by example in their interaction and conduct.

We will ensure that:
• We pay a fair income for all locally employed staff
• Use local equipment and vehicles when we can
• We purchase food from locally sourced providers
• Use locally owned and run accommodation where possible
• Discourage local begging and giving of cash gifts
• Employ local agents therefore ensuring income is kept in country whenever possible
• Encourage maximum communications between locals and participants to encourage mutual understanding and respect between cultures

As well as the effect we can have on local cultures we also ensure that we consider environmental, cultural, economic and political issues in the planning stage of an expedition. Further considerations are:

• Achieve zero litter, and when appropriate remove local litter
• Avoid pollution from our camp and accommodation activities
• Achieve zero damage and impact to local flora and fauna
• Encourage understanding of the local environment and its fragilities
• Encourage the eating of local foods therefore preserving traditional farming practice
• Encourage the use of biodegradable products especially washing products.
• Ensure good practice on all toilet activities, i.e. avoiding pollution to water courses
• Ensure waste is minimized and recycled whenever possible
• Minimise the use of water

Our commitment to our environmental policy extends to our working environment and all staff recycle and make business decisions with an ethical dimension such as using public transport and maximising the use of email. We are committed to running a business that has as little environmental impact as possible.

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